Soooo much preparation! I have dad here flailing around trying to make sure I have enough money, and I have mum at home running around like a fart in a trance buying everything except my hall's kitchen sink! Woo for caring parents.
Still, this September a daunting thought is at hand. I am going to be on my own, in a strange world, with immediate debt and little money to live by. and that's just the financial side. I won't know anyone, living on my own is going to be a huge task. But don't for one second think that I might be dreading it. It's gonna be freaking awesome. Learning to stand up on your own two feet, being independent from the word go, and the opportunity of meeting people you may have a lifetime connection with. In short, life starts here, my nervous friends. Embrace it while you can. It's not like i need to tell you.
Is a guitar amplifier a good thing to have at university? it's quite big, and heavy. maybe i can use it as a table or something. suggestions?
I'm quite surprised by the number of people I have come across who are dreading one aspect of university life: Cooking. Cooking is easy people! just grab whatever staple food you can find in the nearest euro import store like Lidl or Aldi, and mix and match to whatever goes best! And never ever EVER reheat rice, fish, chicken or eggs. baad times ensue. But still, my mother pounded it into me how important cooking was, and I'm gonna thank her for that, as cooking is an invaluable skill, and one that can grant you many a social upper hand (chicks dig it too XDXD). It's never too late to learn.
well, that's all that's on my mind, and STILL no valves. Fuck it...
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