Thursday, August 26, 2010

Circa 1:30 AM, Still no valves.

So I guess this is kind of an insight into 'the inner workings of my mind', or at least, some vain attempt to grasp and capture my thoughts. So, for what its worth, and to whom may read, welcome.
For the past three weeks I have been residing in Ireland, with my father, in order to get some family time in before my 'real' life begins at university. For the most part, it's been fun, I guess, as a teenager growing up in a modern civilization, I only had the influence of one parent, as depressing as that is to think about. Being with my father gives me a chance to live the other side of the coin, and to gain a sense of  that good 'ol father-son business I've heard so much about from those corny american movies from the 60's or whatever. But i can't help feeling a sense of misplacement. I am like my father in so many ways, and not all of them the best. He has a family here now, and me being his only son, I should still feel that attachment, that sense of duty a son has to carry on the respect of his father. This has not been the case in literal terms. I've been sat up here on this double bed for a good 4 hours now, because I don't like going downstairs and sitting in front of the TV in silence, watching the latest episode of Dexter, exposed to the cold looks of my daunting stepmother (despite her meaning well, her default expression is fairly intimidating).
It's not all doom and gloom however, whilst being here I managed to build myself a new guitar amplifier, for which I am STILL waiting on the valves for, 2 weeks is late not savvy, and I have many a time called upon the aid of my good friend Max to take me out to the city and have a great time with all our friends. Seriously, it's like a whole other life i lead here. Explains the feeling of misplacement, I guess.
Before coming to Ireland, there was drama. My girlfriend and I had split up, on my terms, so that we could get on with the rest of our lives, as smoothly as possible. I guess i feel kinda empty, really, I mean, 16 months is a helluva long time when you're a student and everything (and everyone) is happening around you. You get to that stage in the relationship where you think there is nothing else right for you, and that person takes up your time, and you want them to take it, every waking moment spent thinking about them. I believe it's called the Infatuation Phase. Well, it seemed to last a helluva while. So long in fact, (and I'm being honest here) that i blind-sighted myself into falling for her. It being long distance an' all meant that time passed enough between physical contact for the feeling of need to grow, and take a foothold on you. In no way am I bitching, so to speak, about my Ex, this is just a hindsight analysis. I think that's why long distance relationships can last. And it sure feels cold to me.
So, that explains all the free time i have! now my body clock is well and truly fucked, 4AM is notttt the best time to go sleep. Cornwall, I miss you, and every one of my friends. Time to claw myself back to a proper sleep schedule. Goodnight world.

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