Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My home is a holiday destination.

So, it's been two days since last post, but I'm home. Albeit not for long. Home doesn't feel like home when you're never there, but it feels good to have all the family under one roof again.
I've had this thing in my side for quite some time, and I've been waiting and waiting so i can resolve it. What happens when you realise something under your nose has been there all the time? I know i'm being vague, but i can't reveal too much, as that would give you waay too much information that I am prepared to release unto your bored minds.
I am looking forward to Thursday.

In other news, turns out setting up a bank account requires a helluva lot of work! Here I was expecting to be in-out-done with a new debit card and overdraft, but no. There is only so much bureaucracy one can take. Or am I being too naive?
Mum went to all the effort of cleaning my room while I was gone, and in true teenager style I had to go and dump all my crap on the floor! now i'm back at home, coz now I have zero floorspace. winnn. Oh bed where have you been all my life... words do not describe how tired I am right now. Cracking headache, hot ribena, good movie, fucking pressure change. Goodnight world.

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